Why our datacenters are the best for your offshore hosting needs
If you are looking from all round benefits from Offshore Datacenter services, you can consider Netherlands hosting with us at Lyrahosting.com. Lyrahosting datacenter is carrier neutral datacenter at Netherlands. Netherlands has the largest concentration of network service providers and datacenters and in Europe.
Power is less expensive in Netherlands as compared to any other European or American city and an offshore datacenter provider can pass on these savings to customers. The main advantage it offers is comparably low latency as compared to most of Europe and America.
Why Choose LyraHosting?
- Lyrahosting is home to wide range of clients who prefer our web hosting service.
- SSD provides incredible levels of performance for your website.
- 99% network uptime
- Our offshore servers are in multiple locations around the world.
- We are offering advanced, customised packages for Vps, shared hosting & dedicated servers, which for different reasons are prone to frequent downtime due to various types of DDoS attacks.
- We provide complete protection for the servers of our customers, with the use of our proprietary DDoS technology.
- High quality services and array of networks.
- Stable environment which makes private network building possible.
- State of the art and reliable technology.
- The co-location is protected with air conditioning.
- There are several other precautionary measures such as modern fire extinguishers, Tier 3 emergency power and efficient climate control services.

Benefits of a Offshore Datacenter
- Wide selections of networks are available, operational through multiple (fiber) carriers, which offer the opportunity of choosing the preferred mix of networks.
- Each private colocation comes with redundant uplinks and free data traffic.
- Large power consumption per rack with up to4x32Amp per full rack.
- The electrical infrastructure (2N and N+1) is complaint with the NEN 1010 standard.
- Large power consumption per rack with up to4x32Amp per full rack.
- NL-IX Port available.
- The datacenter is ISO 9001 certified
- The air conditioners, the fire extinguishers, the generator, the ups, and distributor all have maintenance contracts of their own. These contracts are provided by the original suppliers and can be read in the datacenter.
- All the monitoring and maintenance work of the datacenter is carried out by a team of certified professionals. The size of the team allows for high quality support and a reliable performance of the center.
- We have a cadre of well-trained, friendly and trustworthy staff that can assist you with any hosting needs.

Electric supply
Our unique electrical infrastructure (2N and N+1) is wholly compliant with NEN 1010 standards. With a large power consumption per rack up to 4×32 Amp per full rack, our servers are always safely powered to full capacity

Our data center operates at an ideal temperature due to refrigeration and data center cooling techniques that maintain the perfect environment for all equipment with indirect free cooling. You’ll never have to worry about issues with overheating or ill-temperatures affecting our data center

At Lyra Hosting, we emphasize physical and virtual best practices to protect our data center from all external threats and attacks. Because data centers hold such sensitive and proprietary information, our sites are always digitally and physically secured using DDoS technology

Our goal is to connect your network infrastructure to the internet using IP Connect, Carrier Connect, and Exchange connect services. Each offers high performance connectivity that stemming directly from our innovative data centers